About Bethel Church

Bethel Primitive Baptist Church of Clanton, Alabama has a rich and long history of service to Jesus Christ. Bethel was constituted on 1855. In spite of the ever-changing culture, Bethel Church has continued its commitment to ‘primitive’ Christianity. The name ‘Primitive Baptist’ is not meant to imply that we are archaic or uncivilized. ‘Baptist’ gives the more obvious connotation of being baptistic – meaning following the tenets of full immersion baptism for believers only. So what does the word ‘Primitive’ mean? ‘Primitive’ can be defined as pertaining to an original state. We certainly have contemporary amenities and enjoy modern living; however, we believe that  ‘Primitive’ Christianity can best be demonstrated through a simple worship style, the message of salvation by grace alone, and an earnest desire to glorify God in every action in accordance with His word.



At Bethel, we believe that salvation is not an act of human volition (Titus 3:5). Jesus did not come to make us savable or to offer redemption to the fickle will of man. The message of the gospel is that Christ accomplished redemption for his chosen people (Matt. 1:21). It Is Finished! That was the victory cry of Christ on the cross, declaring His success in saving His people from their sins (John 19:30). No sin can separate God’s children from their Savior! By dying for their sins, Christ secured eternal life for all that the Father had given Him (Romans 8:39, John 17:2). For the elect of God, salvation isn’t an option, but is a reality!



We also believe that the focus of worship should always be Christ. It is often difficult to stay Christ-centered in the modern-day corporate-worship setting. The beauty of the primitive New Testament Church can be found with in the simplicity of its worship service: congregational singing, prayer, and preaching. Furthermore, we believe that God commands that the instruments used in worship are to be our voices; joy from the heart flowing outward with our voices (Rom 15:9, I Cor 14:15, Eph 5:19, Col 3:16, Heb 2:12, James 5:13). This expression of love towards God should be done without any segregation of age or gender. Family-integrated worship is a blessing that can help unify families in our divided culture. Everyone takes a part in family worship.


Our Goal

Our goal as a church and as redeemed individuals is to consecrate our bodies as living sacrifices to Jesus Christ. We wish to be fully submissive to both the New Testament pattern of worship and the finished work of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, we endeavor to serve Christ through actively serving one another. God has redeemed us from all iniquity. Therefore, we are His workmanship and have been redeemed and created to bring forth good works to His honor.


Our Invitation

Are you tired of the modern day Christian machinery of corporate-worship? Are you frustrated by a man-centered Gospel that places burdens upon you that you cannot bear? Do you seek for simplicity? This is your invitation to consider our message, the message of salvation by sovereign grace through Christ Jesus our Lord. Whether you have visited with us before or this is your first time, we hope that you will find joy and peace in both the sincere message of the finished work of Christ and the simplicity of Primitive Baptist worship.